The Arts

Manchester Uncovered

A tour that cherry picks its way through Manchester unveiling it's hidden gems.

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Walk the Boards Theatre walk

Trace the history of Manchester’s theatrical past and present.

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Fac 51 Music walk

A must for anyone interested in music, this tour visits the shrines of Manchester’s best.

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City of Culture

Discover the wealth of Manchester’s Orchestras, poets, playwrights, novelists, musicians and painters.

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Musical Odyssey

Take a trip on this musical journey from the Renaissance to the present day in the splendid company of Manchester's best. Hear the sounds of world premieres, the finest composers who came to this city, listen to both home grown and the international.

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The Manchester Literary Walk

Join the bards, poets and playwrights of Manchester’s best on this literary romp through the city’s heritage.

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Gothic Manchester

From the glories of the Town Hall; Manchester’s municipal cathedral, past the John Ryland’s Library; Manchester’s temple to knowledge, to the glories of Manchester’s actual Cathedral, this tour explores these outstanding structures and the treasures within them.

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